spend energy
- 花费精力

The presence of temptations not only increases your failure rate but also distracts you by forcing you to spend energy on a constant mental struggle when your attention could be better spent on ... well ... life !
The good news is that you need not spend energy for results that don 't matter to you .
You don 't spend energy in playing tricks to , curse and beat the stone .
A mass of bottom interface programming also makes federation developer spend energy on function calling pertinent to RTI function .
In other words , if you spend energy trying to resist a fragrant chocolate chip cookie , you 'll have less energy left over to solve a difficult problem .
Ad Hoc networks are non-fixed infrastructure networks composed of mobile nodes . As the mobile nodes have very limited battery energy , how to spend energy efficiently in Ad Hoc network has become very important .
Cyclists generally spend less energy in lower temperature .
Some goldbricks spend more energy trying to escape work than they might have used in working .
It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that coincide with your particular definition of a great life .
They spend much energy in researching and developing new types of competition clothes which often could become the popular trends in the coming period of time .
This allows our bodies to spend less energy defending our exteriors and focus more on things like fighting viruses and precancerous cells .
So we avoid sharing our passions , and spend our energy jealously guarding our " secret " rather than simply moving forward .
Writing is the most complicated and difficult skill in English learning , and English learners often have more problems and spend more energy in it than in other skills .
With the primary and secondary school teachers training attract more and more attention around the world , teachers in our country education development will also spend more energy in the teachers ' training .
We 're going to release a lot of energy for bonding , it 's going to more than make up for the fact that we actually had to spend some energy to promote that electron .
Instead of concentrating on improving product safety and workers ' lives , companies spend their energy creating beautiful pamphlets on social responsibility , disputing critical reports and shifting blame , it said .
In the part of risk answer , I spend plentyful energy in find the answer to the risk , found assessment index , construct a fuzzy evalution mode based on AHP and fuzzy maths .
Instead of worrying about a " learning disability " because your child does not fit the style and sequence of " in the box " schools , spend your energy on developing your child 's natural interests .
As the argument went on , my wife suddenly slammed the book shut . " There are over two hundred samples in this book , " she declared . " I say we spend our energy finding one that suits us both , instead of bickering over the ones we don 't like . "
There 's no need to spend time or energy teaching them about physical activity .
Spend one 's energy cleaning the place up .
Spend time and energy and presence to give people opportunities and a chance .
I am not telling you to spend too much energy making others happy .
Which of the following words means to spend time or energy in vain or for nothing ?
Are you willing to consistently spend time and energy building and nurturing your professional network ?
Parents spend time , energy and money in bring up their children and providing them with what they need .
Why spend time and energy winning a ladies heart for marriage when sex is easily obtainable ?
This month I encourage you to observe just how much time you spend on giving energy out compared to receiving energy in .
According to the materials with different properties , individuals often tend to use those mental models that spend least mental energy on these materials . 4 .
You know in your mind and your heart that you are my only good friends . I do not spend time , energy or concern on others .